Modifying Reflection Package Definition Files for SMS 2.0 and SMS 2003

  • 7021633
  • 13-Feb-2003
  • 01-Apr-2018


Reflection Windows-based Products version 13.0 through 14.x
Microsoft Systems Management Server version 2003
Microsoft Systems Management Server version 2.0 service pack 1 or higher


This technical note describes common modifications you can make to the default package definition files that ship with Reflection Windows-based products.

Note: This technical note is intended for use by system administrators who are experienced in working with Microsoft Systems Management Server (SMS). If you are not familiar with SMS, please consult your system administrator before using it to deploy Reflection. Or, deployment information.


Common Modifications

The most common modifications made to package definition files include adding a transform file to the Msiexec command line, adding command line switches /q or /qb to the Msiexec command line, and adjusting the installation environment options. The steps for making these modifications are included in the section "Using the Program Properties Dialog Box" below.

About Creating Transform Files

Before importing the Reflection Package Definition file into Microsoft SMS, create the Reflection administrative installation point and optionally customize your installation as described in KB 7021631. You can use the Reflection Customization Manager to customize your installation by creating a transform (*.mst) file. Installation customizations may include:

  • Choice to install locally to the workstation or run from a network share point
  • Selection of which Reflection features to install
  • Product shortcuts customizations
  • Profile of Reflection

Reflection Customization Manager will create the transform and the associated files at the Administrative installation location. You will modify the default program definition to reference the *.mst file you created.

For more information about using Reflection Customization Manager, see the Preparing to Deploy Reflection tutorial at or the Reflection Customization Manager (or Deployment Manager, depending on your version) help.

Modifying the Default Reflection Package Definition File

A package definition file (*.sms) is a template that contains the SMS components necessary to distribute software. Use the Microsoft SMS Package Definition Wizard to import the Reflection *.sms file and create the package.

Using the Program Properties Dialog Box

Use the Program Properties dialog box to modify any of the programs in the Reflection *.sms file.

  1. In Microsoft SMS, open the Program Properties dialog box as follows:
    1. In the SMS Administrator console, navigate to Packages and press F5 or right-click and select Refresh.
    2. Click WRQ, Inc Reflection to expand its properties.
    3. Click Programs to display the available programs.
    4. Double-click a program to open the Program Properties dialog box.
  2. On the General tab, you can modify the Msiexec command line to customize the Reflection installation.

Adding a Transform File. To include a transform file, follow the standard syntax:

Msiexec /I <Reflect.msi> Transforms="<transformname.mst>"

where <Reflect.msi> is the name of the *.msi file for your Reflection product, and <transformname.mst> is the name of the transform file you created if you customized Reflection.

Using a Language Transform. If you are deploying a localized copy of Reflection and want the setup dialog boxes to be in the localized language, you must include the appropriate language transform.

:fra – French
:deu – German
:jpn – Japanese

You can specify multiple transforms by separating the transforms with a semi-colon. For example:

Msiexec /I ud130ilw.msi Transforms=":fra;MyTransform.mst" /q

Adding Command Line Switches. You can include Msiexec command line switches such as /q after the name of the transform. For Automated installations, use /q for no user interface, or /qb for basic user interface that displays a progress bar. For more information about Msiexec command line switches, see the Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 227091 at;en-us;227091.

Example. The following example shows the Msiexec command line used to deploy Reflection for UNIX and OpenVMS version 14.0, with a transform named MyTransform.mst, and without user interaction:

Msiexec /I ud140ilw.msi Transforms="MyTransform.mst" /q
  1. Since Reflection requires administrative rights to install, you may need to make the following changes on the Environment tab in the Program Properties dialog box:
    • If you are deploying to users who do not have administrative rights, select the Run with administrative rights option in the Run mode group box.
    • In the Drive mode group box, select the Run with UNC name option.

Once modified, the package can be advertised to a collection.

Additional Information

Legacy KB ID

This document was originally published as Attachmate Technical Note 1479.